Professional Experience

Health Finance Advisor, USAID Health Policy Plus (HP+), Palladium, Nairobi, April 2016 to March 2018


       Capacity development of National and county governments on health sector planning & budgeting


Building capacity of the NHIF to engage in the Kenya health finance strategy laying a roadmap towards achievement of universal health coverage. (UHC)


Build evidence and improve access to key financial information to advocate for health resources at the national and county level


Strengthen new national and county health systems in health policy, finance, and governance

Lecturer, University of Nairobi, Kenya, January 2011 to present

Teaching health, environmental economics health finance, economics evaluation of health programs and health policy.

Lecturer, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya, January 2017 to present

Teaching health, environmental economics health finance, economics evaluation, costing and cost effectiveness analysis of health programs and health policy.

Health financing specialist - Futures Health Economics and Metrics (F.H.E.M)

Futures Health Economics and Metrics (F.H.E.M) is a private limited company and independent think tank offering technical assistance to enable donors, policymakers, and program implementers to make evidence-based decisions. By relying on local experts in the region who have over 10 years’ experience, supported by foreign professionals when appropriate, F.H.E.M excels in developing practical, locally appropriate solutions to policy, programmatic and business challenges in the African and Caribbean regions.

Research fellow, The Environment for Development (EfD) –University of Gothenburg, Sweden, January 2014 to present

This Initiative is a capacity building program in environmental economics focusing on research, policy interaction, and academic programs. The overall objective of EfD is to support poverty alleviation and sustainable development by building environmental economics capacity in policy making processes. He researches on nexus between environment and health.

Health Economist, Efficiency and Effectiveness Advisor, USAID Health Policy Project (HPP), Futures Group, Nairobi, May 2012 to March 2016.

Provided technical assistance to the Government of Kenya to identify efficient approaches to allocating resources in key programs (HIV, Malaria and TB) programming, to generate and analyze evidence, and participate in evidence-based policy formulation for the Ministry of Health. Application of economic evaluation tools (Costing, cost benefit analysis, efficiency, and cost effectiveness (CEA) tools and methodologies) to guide health investment in areas with greatest impact.

Research Associate, Centre for Economic and Social Research, Kenya, December 2008 to 2012.

Conducted research, developed proposals and research tools, collected, and analyzed data, and wrote reports.

Lecturer, Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya, January 2009 to 2010.

Taught courses mathematics for economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and economic statistics.

Research fellow at the African economic Research Consortium November 2010 to date
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