

Here are some of the selected journals that have been published.

Shade S et al (2018) Costs of streamlined HIV care delivery in rural Ugandan and Kenyan clinics in the SEARCH Studies, AIDS 32 (15):1
Obiero, B.., and Mwai, D. (2018). Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 7(1), 16–36.
Germano M., Mwai, D and Muchiri, S. 2017. The financial rates of return to health investment in Kenya: evidence from micro and macro data. International Journal of Development and Sustainability. Vol 6, No 9.
Sujha S, Kibachio J, Hoover S, Edwards P, Amukoye E, Mwai D., et al (2017) Research for Actionable Policies: implementation science priorities to scale up non–communicable disease interventions in Kenya. Journal Global Health. Vol 7, No 1.
Mwai, D. and Muriithi, M. 2016. Economic Effects of Non-Communicable Diseases on Households’ Income in Kenya: A Comparative Analysis Perspective. Public Health Research. Vol. 6, No. 3.
Mwai, D. 2016. Prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases and Social Interactions in Kenya: An Empirical Analysis. European Scientific Journal. Vol. 12, No. 8.
Mwai, D. and Muriithi, M. 2016. Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Household Impoverishment: A Case of NCDs Prevalence in Kenya. Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health.Vol. 13, No. 1.
Mwai, D., and Muriithi, M. 2015. Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors and Their Contribution to NCD Incidence in Kenya. European Scientific Journal. Vol. 11, No. 30.
Chang, W., Chamie, G., Mwai, D., Clark, TD. Thirumurthy, H., Charlebois, ED., Petersen, M., Kabami, J., Semmondo, E., Kadede, K., Kwarisiima, D., Sang, N., Bukusi, EA. Cohen, CR., Kamya, M., Havlir, DV. Kahn, JG. 2016. Cost and Efficiency of a Hybrid Mobile Multi-Diseases Testing Approach with High HIV Testing Coverage in East Africa. JAIDS.
Mwai, D., Kimaiya, G., Karambi, D., Ombam, R., Muriithi, M., and Muthoni, A. 2016. HIV and AIDS Commodity Gap: An Estimate of Resource Needs and Envelop under the UNAID’s 90-90-90 Targets toward ART Scale-Up in Kenya. Healthcare Academicians Journal. Vol. 3.
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